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Weight Loss With EM Slim

Weight Reduction Tips

Follow these commandments to rein in cravings. Be strict with three key things which will help you sail through any occasion or party without gaining unwanted weight – Right Attitude, Planning and Determination.

Avoid skipping meals before a party

Eat something substantial (fibre-rich food like oatmeal, grams, bran cereal) an hour before you go to the party. This will fill you up, and when you arrive, you can eat light. Do not fast all day and then binge at the party. Eat your regular meals so that you don’t overindulge.

Multiply meals, shrink portions

Eat small meals. Your body needs only a few calories for energy and metabolism. If you eat at regular intervals, you are less likely to overeat at night. When going to a party, offer to bring a healthy, diet-friendly dish. Your host or hostess will appreciate your contribution and you can enjoy the food. Enjoy a big, healthy salad before the meal.

Have lots of water with meals

Drink lots of water – at least eight to ten glasses of water – instead of sodas or mixed drinks as this will help you feel less hungry and thirsty. Eat high water content foods like cucumbers and tomatoes that will fill you up and help you lose weight. Avoid standing near refreshments because it is too easy to indulge a few times without considering the fat and calories.

Cut down portion sizes

Control your portions. Small plates are a big help with portion control. If salad plates are available, make them your choice instead of a dinner-sized plate. Look at the available choices, hold the plate for a long time and nibble healthy foods like vegetables and fruits.

Divide before you devour

It is not always what you eat, but how you eat. Pleasure is best when shared. This way your taste buds are satisfied, portion size decreased and calorie intake reduced. Eat so that you enjoy each bite.

Focus on socialisation

While partying, focus on friendship and socialising rather than food. Fill the evening with conversation and meaningful interactions. Walking around and visiting with other guests is a benefit for dieters. If friends are pressurising you to indulge, the best way to respond is to be firm and positive. Rather than saying you can’t or shouldn’t have, say you aren’t hungry and that it’s not your favourite. They can’t argue with that.

Schedule your exercise routine

Plan a workout in your daily planner. Make exercise an important part of your daily life and write it down so that you are more likely to maintain the schedule. Find an exercise trainer or a workout partner to help you stay committed.

Separate food from television

Eating, napping, channel surfing. If these consume most of your leisure hours, you will end up gaining weight. Make healthy and light food choices to manage weight. Choose egg whites instead of the whole egg, whole-grain instead of refined products, skim milk, instead of whole milk etc.

Take breaks to deep breathe

Do you binge eat when you are bored, angry or tense? If this happens, decide to do something to take your mind off food. Relax and deep breathe several times. This will help you distinguish between actual hunger and eating due to emotional responses.

Reward yourself

Book yourself a relaxing massage/foot massage you enjoy or buy yourself an outfit that looks good on you. The key to staying happy during your weight loss journey is to reward all your efforts. This will help you stick to your fitness regimen and will help you when you go off-track.